Office of Technology Transfer
Ideas Reaching the World

Software Express Licensing Program

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Many software tools are created at Lehigh University and are made available through our Software Express Licensing Program.  The End User License Agreement (EULA) has standard terms and conditions that allow for rapid licensing by companies or individuals.

The conditions and financial terms of the EULA apply only to those who download the Software Express License, fill in the appropriate information, and return it to Lehigh's Office of Technology Transfer.  Other Licensing arrangements may be available by sending an email to


LU - 111119-01 Title: LGO Software Package - A Model Development and Solver System for Global-Local Nonlinear Optimization

Brief Description:
Decision problems arising in engineering, economics, finance, and the natural sciences are frequently modelled by optimizing the value of an objective (primary goal) function under stated feasibility constraints. A broad range of practically motivated nonlinear decision models can have a (typically unknown) number of local and global optima. To visualize this concept in the real three-dimensional space, one could think of the objective function like a mountain region with many peaks and valleys. The concept can be directly extended to arbitrary n-dimensional settings.

Global optimization (GO) is aimed at finding the “absolutely best” solution of nonlinear decision models, in the possible or verified presence of multiple locally optimal solutions. The LGO software product has been developed since the early 1990s, to enable the numerical solution of hard GO problems. LGO seamlessly integrates constrained global and local optimization capabilities, and its robustness and efficiency is well-known among professionals.


Software Express License Agreement

Customer Service:
For any questions, please contact the Office of Technology Transfer
Phone: (610) 758-5883